La Nueva Escuela is an all-in-one program that helps you build a sustainable career as a full-time filmmaker.

Turn Your Passion for Filmmaking Into a Full-Time Career

Master the art of creating cinematic videos, develop the skills to land high-paying clients, and get access to exclusive job opportunities with global brands—all while learning directly from one of the world’s top travel filmmakers.

“Matias inspires & motivates all those around him”
“He is an amazing mentor for anyone that's had a chance to work with him. He’s one of the most incredibly talented filmmakers I've been lucky to work with over the last few years.”


Beautiful Destinations

tip: click on
& keep scrolling


“Matias inspires & motivates all those around him”
“He is an amazing mentor for anyone that's had a chance to work with him. He’s one of the most incredibly talented filmmakers I've been lucky to work with over the last few years.”


Beautiful Destinations

 A man sitting on a patio chair with a wooden table in front of him.

Hey, Matias De Rada here...

Every day, I hear from aspiring creators who are struggling to break into the filmmaking industry.

Some are just getting started and need help learning the basics of creating high-quality videos. Others have plenty of technical skills but aren't sure how to land clients and start getting paid for their work.

Regardless of their level of skill or experience, they all have the same question:

What does it really take to build a sustainable career as a full-time filmmaker?

I asked myself the same thing when starting my journey nearly a decade ago.

Back then, there was no blueprint I could follow for turning my passion into something real. I didn’t know what gear to buy, what skills to focus on, or where to find clients who would actually pay me to create content.

It took me years of trial and error to find the answers I was looking for. And I was eventually able to get my foot in the door and build a successful career for myself.

A career that allows me to travel the world, partner with big-name brands, and earn a stable five-figure income every single month...

All while doing work I’m truly passionate about.

While it might not seem like it right now, this type of career is possible for you as well.

And if you keep reading, I’m going to show exactly how you can build it–no matter how long you've been struggling up until now.

But first, I want to share a bit of my journey with you. So you can get a first-hand look at what it takes to go from an amateur with a hobby... a full-time travel filmmaker earning more than $500,000 per year.

A man wearing a white shirt and green headphones is taking a picture of the ocean.
my journey

How I Became a Full-Time Travel Filmmaker With a Six-Figure Business

A soccer player in a black and white uniform running on the field.A man lying in a hospital bed with a woman standing beside him.
Like a lot of creators, I found my love for filmmaking by accident.

I was in my final year of high school when a collar bone injury ended the soccer career I had been working for years to build.

My entire life had been focused on sports up until then. And with my future now uncertain, I needed something to distract me while recovering from my injury and planning my next steps.

So I picked up a camera and started playing around...

It wasn’t anything serious at first–I was just having fun making silly  prank videos with my friends.

But over the next few months, that fun little distraction slowly turned into a serious passion.

After high school, I got accepted to the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University–one of the best business schools in the US.

My plan was to get my degree and land a comfortable marketing job at the best company I could find.

It wasn’t exciting, but it seemed like the only way to build a stable future for myself.

Fortunately, my passion for creating videos started pushing me in a different direction...

And I began what I like to call my “experimentation” phase.

Using an entry-level Canon and a free Adobe Premiere license from my university, I started taking every opportunity I could find to shoot and edit videos.

I’m not exaggerating.

During that period, I shot senior photo shoots, event recaps, sorority recruitment videos, sports recaps, philanthropy recaps, and so much more...

If someone at my university needed a video, I was going to be the one to make it!

At the same time, I also started using the business lessons I was gaining in class to package up my services and get paid for my work.

And I eventually worked my way up from charging $250 to $6,000 per project.

(Not bad for a student with a hobby!)

Best of all, the money I was making allowed me to invest in better equipment and keep improving the quality of my videos.

And by the time I entered my final year of college, I had built a reputation as the go-to filmmaker on campus.

A man kneeling down taking a picture of a group of people.A man and a man are posing for a picture.
A man sitting on a vehicle with a camera in his hand.A man paddles a canoe in the water.
But I still didn’t see a future for myself in the industry.

Back then, it seemed like the only way to become a professional filmmaker was to go to an expensive film school, find a small role at a big production company, and then hopefully work your way up to a higher paying position.

There were no real opportunities for a self-taught creator like myself.

Or at least that’s what I thought until I discovered Beautiful Destinations and the world of travel filmmaking…

For the first time ever, I saw other self-taught creators (guys like Sam Kolder and Jacob Riglin) building successful careers as filmmakers and photographers.

Even crazier, they were doing it while traveling the world and having incredible life experiences.

Everything changed for me the moment I saw their content...

I knew in my heart I wanted to become a travel filmmaker, and I was willing to do whatever it took to break into the industry.

I started by improving my skills.

While I had a decent amount of experience at that point, I knew that the quality of my videos had to be much higher if I wanted to work for a company like Beautiful Destinations.

So I spent the next year and half taking as many projects as I could and slowly developing my own unique style as a creator.

All while looking for ways to get my foot in the door of the travel industry...

My big break came in 2017, when I saw Beautiful Destinations would be doing a shoot close to where I lived.

I knew I had all the equipment they needed. So I took a risk and sent them an Instagram DM offering to help.

It paid off big time.

They said yes to my offer, and I spent the next three days helping their team in any way I could–doing equipment changes, driving them places, and even shooting hyper lapses that were eventually were used in the main campaign.

It was an incredible opportunity that eventually landed me a three-month internship with them in New York. And while I still wasn’t traveling the world or anything, those next three months were critical to my growth as a filmmaker.

I got to learn from some of the top creators in the industry and spend my days editing selects for creators like Cory Martin and Sage Stephens.

This hands-on experience taught me so many of the skills I use in my career today.

I learned how to tell compelling stories with my films.... how to plan my shots with the edit in mind... and how to use transitions to give all my videos a cinematic flow.

All of which prepared me to take the next big step on my journey:

Becoming a full-time creator for Beautiful Destinations.

A man is sitting in the back of a blue car.A man kneeling down to take a picture of a woman.
Six years after picking up a camera, I finally had the chance to build a stable career for myself.

And it wasn’t by chance...

I only got this opportunity because I worked like crazy to prove I had what it took to handle a full-time position.

So if you take anything away from my journey so far, let it be this...

There are no “shortcuts” in this industry. If you want to succeed, you need to be willing to put in the work day after after day, month after month.

And it doesn’t stop once you get the job or land the client.

Now that I was working full-time, I realized that my real education as a content creator was just beginning.

Deadlines were tight, I was constantly traveling from one country to the next, and the projects I worked on kept getting bigger and bigger.

Which meant I had to learn how to shoot and edit high-quality content faster than ever before.

My skills skyrocketed as a result.

Over the next two years, I evolved into what I like to call a “full 360 creator”.

Someone who could handle every part of the filmmaking process from start to finish...

And who brands could rely on to create quality content that would help them grow.

At this point, I had become one of the top creators at Beautiful Destinations.

I was earning a steady income, traveling to new countries every month, and doing work I was passionate about every single day.

If my journey ended here, I would have been pretty happy with how things turned out.

But I also knew that more was possible for me...

As an employee, I was completely dependent on Beautiful Destinations for my income. They would find all of the clients and manage the projects, and I would get a fixed salary for creating all the deliverables.

It was the perfect situation when I was a new creator developing my skills.

But now I was ready for more...

Instead of being an employee, I wanted full control of who I worked with, the types of projects I took on, and how much income I made each month.

More importantly...

I wanted the freedom to set my own schedule, travel whenever I felt like it, and live life 100% on my own terms.

So in 2019, I decided to quit my job at Beautiful Destinations and start my journey as a freelance creator.

A person is underwater in a black and white photo.

Going out on my own was like starting from zero.

I had spent years mastering the technical side of filmmaking, but now I had to build an actual business around those skills.

This meant learning how to market myself and get in front of clients.

I built a simple portfolio to showcase my work and started emailing companies using the business skills I developed in college.

It was a slow process, and I made a ton of mistakes along the way. But I eventually landed my first project as a solo freelancer: a $10,000 sizzle reel for Propagate, one of the top production companies in Los Angeles.

Once that project was finished, I leveraged my work to get a second client... then a third...  then a fourth...

And with each new client I was raising my prices, finding smarter ways to package my services, and learning how to position myself so bigger brands would take me seriously.

Eventually, I broke the six-figure mark as a solo freelancer.

Making $273,000 in 2022...

$380,000 in 2023...

And now I'm on track to earn over $500,000 in 2024.

My last three years of income as a 6-Figure Solo Freelancer

A black and white image of a calendar with the date 2024.A black and white image of a long line of doors.

But it’s not just about the money.

Since becoming a freelancer, I’ve traveled to dozens of new countries while creating content with some of my closest friends...

Directed massive campaigns for brands like Turkish Airlines, Champions League, and Corona...

And managed projects that have helped dozens of other filmmakers break into the industry.

Long story short, I’ve built a life and career beyond anything I could have imagined ten years ago.

And now I want to help you do the same.

Two men standing in front of a building with one of them holding up a peace sign.A man in a red jersey stands on a rooftop with a red flag.
A man is rowing a boat in the ocean.A group of three whales swimming in the ocean.
Because right now...

The demand for talented content creators is higher than ever.

Almost every week, I get contacted by brands that need help creating content to fuel their marketing and attract new customers.

This includes airlines, sports leagues, hotels, and travel websites, just to name a few.

(And these are just businesses in the travel space. There are thousands more who need help in other industries!)

On top of this growing demand for creators who can help them, the way these businesses hire filmmakers has changed as well.

In the past, they had to rely on big agencies and production companies to create all of their content.

This meant that your only way to get work as a filmmaker was to take a small role at one of those companies. And if you were lucky, you could eventually work your way up to a position with more responsibility and better pay.

Now things are different.

With the right skills, you can become your own “one-person production company.”

You can reach out these brands directly, negotiate your own deals, and manage the entire filmmaking process from start to finish.

Best of all, you get to charge the types of prices a typical production company would charge for that work.

This is how I'm consistently able to secure projects as large as $50,000. And it's why my freelance income has grown exponentially over the last three years.

Of course, getting these kinds of results isn’t as simple as calling up businesses and offering your services.

You need to know where to find good clients, what to say when you contact them, and how to position yourself correctly so you can close the deal.

More importantly, you need to be able to direct, shoot, and edit the kind of high-quality content that brands are willing to pay for.

This is why I created La Nueva Escuela.

A man is swinging on a rope in a cave.
A man sits on a jeep in the woods.
A man in a convertible with his arms raised in the air.
A man standing on a dock at sunset.
A man sitting on a wall in a room with a skylight.
A person in a white robe standing on a beach.
A man wearing white pants and a white hoodie standing on a balcony.
A large wooden structure with a thatched roof and a glass wall.
A person sitting in a cave with a blue water pool.
A man in a black wetsuit is underwater.
A man standing on a rock in front of a waterfall.
A man standing in front of a starry sky.


La Nueva Escuela

The Ultimate Online Film School For Content Creators Who Want to Break Into the Industry and Build Sustainable Careers

A laptop screen with a blue background and the words Nueva Escuela. A man wearing headphones is smiling.

After hearing from countless filmmakers who are struggling to succeed, I wanted to create a single resource where I could share everything I’ve learned while building my career.

But this is more than just an online course with some helpful tutorials.

It’s an all-in-one program that helps you...

A man and woman are standing in front of a light.

Master The Art of Filmmaking

From the storytelling secrets to advanced editing techniques in Adobe Premiere and DaVinci Resolve, we teach you everything you need to become a world-class filmmaker who can:

  • Handle every part of the filmmaking process, from pre-production to post-production
  • Quickly shoot, organize, and edit footage in even the most high-pressure situations
  • Produce any type of content brands are looking for in 2024, whether it’s a 30-second Instagram reel or a full-length commercial

Find Clients & Grow Your Business

Get the knowledge, skills, and resources that helped me go from a full-time employee to earning over $500,000 per year as a freelance filmmaker, including:

  • What career opportunities are available for you as a content creator, and how to break into the industry as fast as possible if you’re just starting out
  • Where to find high-paying clients and how to reach out to them without coming off like a typical needy freelancer
  • How to package up your services the smart way so you can charge anywhere from $10,000 - $50,000 per project
A man is holding a camera and pointing at another man.

Get Your Foot In The Door With Major Brands

Beyond sharing what I’ve learned, my goal with La Nueva Escuela is to make it easier for filmmakers in Latin America to break into the industry. This means giving my top students the opportunity to collaborate with me on real client projects.

These jobs aren’t guaranteed, of course. If you’re committed and willing to put in the work, this is the best way to:

  • Quickly break into the industry without spending years searching for opportunities like I did
  • Travel to new countries and work with well-known brands like Beautiful Destinations
  • Start building your career and earn a stable income as a freelance filmmaker

Real Student Results

Dago thumbnail photo

Dago has made $4,500 since joining...

He helped me shoot a tourism campaign in Venezuela and acted as a second shooter and FPV pilot. Following that, he also worked on a Corona Campaign and a DJI campaign.

Alex thumbnail photo

Alex has made $7,000 since joining...

He has helped me shoot FPV in Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic and Venezuela.

Dani thumbnail photo

Dani has made $2,000...

She was the first student inside La Nueva Escuela and now helps me edit the content for the course.

Gian thumbnail photo

Gian has made $8,000...

He helped me shoot a campaign for Corona Global in Brazil and has also helped edit Social First assets for Stella.

Matt thumbnail photo

Matt has made $3,000...

He edited a 10 minute episode for Corona for my Youtube and Instagram Channel. He is also getting hired to document all the BTS of an upcoming travel series with Bethany Hamilton later this year.

Christian thumbnail photo

Cristian has made $6,000...

He has helped me edit VFX for global brands such as Champions League, Turkish Airlines as well as for my top performing hotel clients such as Katikies in Greece and Marina Bay Sands in Singapore.


In the first year of La Nueva Escuala’s program launch, over $30K worth jobs have been contracted out to students.

While I cannot guarantee any job opportunities inside La Nueva Escuela, I’ve spent years building relationships with different companies in order to create these opportunities for students who prove themselves to be skilled and motivated, helping them break into the industry.

This Is For You If You…

Want an “easy” path to building your filmmaking career that doesn’t involve hard work.

Are looking for basic tutorials and advice you can find on YouTube for free.

Only care about your technical skills and don’t want to learn about the business side of filmmaking.

Believe success as a filmmaker is all about having the best camera and equipment.

Don’t see the value in becoming a “360 creator” who can handle every part of the filmmaking process.

View creating videos as a hobby and not a real career path.

Aren’t willing to invest in yourself or your skills in order to succeed.

This Is For You If You…

Know you want to build a career as a filmmaker but aren’t sure where to start.

Are struggling to improve your editing skills and master programs like Adobe Premiere and DaVinci Resolve.

Can’t seem to give your content the “cinematic feel” you see in videos from other creators... no matter how many of their tutorials you watch on YouTube.

Struggle to come up with creative ideas and tell engaging stories in your films.

Don’t fully understand how the filmmaking industry works or how to get your foot in the door with well-known brands.

Feel completely lost when it comes to things like finding clients, pricing your services, and marketing yourself on social media.

Constantly deal with imposter syndrome and feel like you aren’t good enough to make a steady income as a content creator.

Wish you had the skills to create professional-quality videos for any industry or niche.

Are looking for practical advice from someone who is actively working with clients and putting what he teaches into action.

Want access to job opportunities you won’t find anywhere else... and are willing to put in the work to prove you can handle them.

What’s Included in La Nueva Escuela?

100+ In-Depth Video Lessons

From editing videos like a pro to negotiating better contracts, get instant access to over 16 hours of video content that covers everything you need to know to build your career. These lessons contain the strategies, tools, and techniques I use every single day as a full-time filmmaker.

A screen with a group of people on it.

Monthly Live Calls

Each month, I host a 90-minute Zoom call where you can ask questions and get my direct feedback on whatever you’re struggling with. During these calls, I also share real insights from the projects I’m working on and give you an inside look at my filmmaking process.

Video Editing Contests

We have regular video editing contests where you can put what you’re learning into action and showcase your filmmaking skills. Contest winners receive cash prizes (in USD) and get the opportunity to collaborate with me on projects.

A video editing program with a green line running through it.

Exclusive Job Opportunities

I’m building relationships with well-known companies around the world to create job opportunities for La Nueva Escuela students. While there are no guarantees, students who put in the work, show up on the live calls, and participate in the contests will have a real shot at landing these jobs.

Course Curriculum and Overview

Prepare yourself mentally as a filmmaker and get practical tips on how to maximize your creativity.
Trust the Process
5 Habits to Maximize Your Creativity
How I got to where I am now as a filmmaker
How brands, agencies, and creators can work together.
How to build a personal brand
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The Equipment
Learn what equipment you need at each career stage and get my top gear recommendations.
What's in my bag
What Camera to Buy Under $1000
What Camera to Buy for Advanced Filmmakers
Apps I use on my phone
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Learn how to set up your camera for the best results and properly balance your gimbal before shooting.
My export settings
How I set up my Canon Camera
What Frame rates are
Picture profile I use for video
How to Balance Ronin
How to Balance DJI Osmo
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Learn how to shoot and edit photos like a seasoned photographer. This module includes my exclusive presets for Adobe Lightroom.
Most Used Tools in Lightroom
How I edit a photo pt. 1
How I edit a photo pt. 2
How I edit a photo pt. 3 (Coming soon)
How to install presets on mobile
How I edit my photos on mobile
How to install presets
How to work with natural light (coming soon)
Composition when shooting photos (coming soon)
Secret tools in Lightroom (coming soon)
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Learn to capture high-quality footage for any project with practical lessons on choosing lenses, planning shots, and using a gimbal effectively.
Aperture and when to use it
What lens to book clients right away
My go-to shots when short on time
Essential Gimbal movements
3 ways to shoot a hyper-lapse
How I use one lens to shoot for a brand
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Learn how to get cinematic drone shots that will make your videos stand out, separate you from other creators, and allow you to charge more for your work.
My Drone Settings
What Drone filters I use
Where to implement drone footage
6 tips to get smooth drone shots
What drone to buy
5 things to know before flying (coming soon)
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Discover the storytelling process behind viral campaigns for Turkish Airlines & other major clients, with 4 in-depth breakdowns (with more to come).
How I Brainstorm Ideas
Components of a good story
The truth about transitions and business
8 questions to ask b4 shooting to build better stories
5 biggest mistakes filmmakers make when telling a story
The Element of Surprise
Story Telling Breakdown - Champions League x Turkish Airlines
Story Telling Breakdown - Marina Bay Sands (Hotel Client)
Story Telling Breakdown - Katikies (Hotel Client)
Story Telling Breakdown - Patina Maldives (Hotel Client)
Story Telling Breakdown - Venezuela (The beach in the sky)(Coming Soon)
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Master video editing in Adobe Premiere with lessons on organizing footage, creating perfect transitions, and using tricks for a cinematic flow.
How I import my footage
How I organize my footage
How to use Proxies
How I use keyframes
Keyboard shortcuts
How to speed ramp
How to nest a clip
How to use warp stabilizer
How to use RSMB
How I find music
My Most Used Transitions
How to use the masking tool
SFX Transitions
How to improve your audio
How to use SFX in your videos (Hits, Risers, Whooshes)
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Advanced Editing
Get an over-the-shoulder look at my editing process on real client projects. Includes the advanced techniques I’ve learned through years of editing.
How I edit a hotel video
How I edit a trailer start to finish(Coming Soon)
How to edit a dynamic reel (Coming Soon)
How to edit an engaging YouTube intro (Coming Soon)
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Color Grading
Master Adobe Premiere with lessons on organizing footage, perfecting transitions, and using tricks for a cinematic flow.
How to color grade footage with LUTS
How to color grade Canon Footage without LUTS
How to color grade Sony Footage without LUTS
How to color grade Drone Footage without LUTS
How to color grade iPhone Footage without LUTS
How to import your own LUTS
How to Color Grade Basics (Adobe Premiere)
How to color grade basics (Davinci Resolve)
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Learn how to build a six-figure filmmaking business from the ground up – including where to find high-paying clients, the best way to showcase your work, and how to land projects as big as $50,0000.

With 22 lessons and over three hours of practical content, this is the most in-depth business training you will find in ANY filmmaking course.
How to calculate how much your dream life will cost
My different sources of revenue
How to market your work effectively
How much you should charge
7 tips to better negotiate contracts
How to package your services
My Email approach with clients
Things to Justify Pricing
10 Steps to Pitching a Client
How much I made as a Travel Filmmaker
8 questions to ask clients on calls to over deliver
How To pitch brands and Land paid clients as a beginner
How to send an invoice
First Pitch Deck Breakdown
How the industry works
How to use AI to find clients emails
How to value your work ($10,000 Mindset)(Coming Soon)
Pitch Deck for Creators with a following
Pitch Deck with Pricing Options
How to best present your work
How to set up your website the right way
How to create a contract
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Learn the strategies I used to grow my personal Instagram to 220k+ followers, and how I get 80% of my deals from sharing my work on social.
Why you should promote your work
How to set up a Creator account
How to set up your instagram as a business
Why documenting wins you loyalty
How I viralize my content(Coming Soon)
How to promote your work effectively(Coming Soon)
The importance of creating for the format (Coming Soon)
How to go viral, Example #1
How to go viral, Example #2
How to go viral, Example #3
How to go viral, Example #4
How to go viral, Example #5
How to go viral, Example #6
How to go viral, Example #7
How to go viral, Example #8
How to go viral, Example #9
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You Also Get Access to These Exclusive Program Bonuses

A laptop with a video editing program open.

Real-Life Project Breakdowns

Get an inside look at how I created viral videos for clients like Champions League x Turkish Airlines and major hotels around the world such as Marina Bay Sands (Singapore) and Katikies (Greece).

A man is on a screen with a circle around him.

Private Community Access

Students get instant access to the La Nueva Escuela online community, a place where you can ask questions, share your struggles, and connect with other filmmakers across Latin America.

A poster with a picture of a person on it.

Custom Video LUTs

Speed up your color grading process and give all your videos a cinematic feel with the custom LUTs I use on 90% of my client projects. Available for both DaVinci Resolve & Adobe Premiere.

A woman is laying on a poolside lounge chair.

Lightroom Photo Presets

Combined with the photography lessons in the course, these custom presets are all you need to create professional-quality photos for both client projects and your own portfolio.

A black and white keyboard with a purple button.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Get a complete list of every shortcut I use in Adobe Premiere Pro. These shortcuts can save you small increments of time that add up to hours of work over the course of a single project.

A letter with a calculator and a pitch for a project.

Proven Business Templates

My top resources for growing your business, including pitch decks for various types of clients, email outreach templates, invoice templates, & a budget calculator for pricing projects.

Get Instant Access Now
Get Instant Access Now

Hear From Our Students

A man holding a camera in front of a forest.

Harold Villalobos


A man with a beard and mustache is wearing a black shirt.

Daniel Gomez

Video Creator

"Le agradezco a Mati y La nueva escuela por haberme ayudado a expandir mi visión del mercado audiovisual a un nivel global. Sin duda ha fortalecido mi conocimiento técnico en el cómo crear contenido de alta calidad de una manera más práctica, me ha expuesto las maneras en las que se puede cerrar una negociación (para mí uno de los módulos más importantes), me ha permitido conocer colegas que se han convertido en amigos en los encuentros en los que pudimos estar, me ha regalado experiencias personales y laborales épicas al poder trabajar con Matias diferentes proyectos entre esos en Venezuela para Beautiful Destinations donde pude seguir profundizando este conocimiento y poniendo en práctica cada uno de los tips de Matí. fortaleciendo además mis relaciones conocimientos y fundamental, mi portafolio."

"Sin duda quiero recomendar este curso a toda persona que le interese la creación de contenido, más allá del mercado, más allá de si su enfoque es o no el travel... este curso es para cualquier persona que le interese ser completo en lo que hacemos, es contar con una membresía a una plataforma donde constantemente estás recibiendo referentes, consejos, asesorías, actualización de información que va desde la creación, hasta las maneras en las que estas piezas me sirven para fortalecer mi marca personal, vinculado con mejores clientes y panoramas más atractivos para cualquier creador de contenido del mundo....Estás básicamente invirtiendo en estar actualizando tu conocimiento constantemente en creación, difusión y negociación."
A man wearing sunglasses and a white shirt.

Andres Garcia

Video Creator

A man wearing a gray hat and a purple jacket.

Camilo Gomez

Digital Creator

"El curso llenó todo tipo de expectativas. Los módulos son muy completos y me han ayudado a mejorar la calidad de mi contenido, a obtener clientes con mayor facilidad y aumentar mi facturación mensual. El módulo de negocios es mi favorito. También, gracias a pertenecer a La Nueva Escuela tuve el placer de conocer a Mati y grabar un proyecto junto a él, algo que me pareció magnífico y no muchos lo hacen. Gracias Mati por todo."
A man with a tattoo and glasses smiling for the camera.

Matt Arteaga


"La Nueva Escuela para mí es un game changer! Cuando busco educarme, siempre estoy interesado en desarrollarme como artista y como un profesional exitoso en el campo. Este curso hace precisamente eso. Es el punto dulce entre mejorar tus habilidades como filmmaker y editor y también aprender a vivir de la mejor manera de ello. Para mí el módulo de edición y de negocios fueron clave para dar el siguiente paso en mi carrera. Me ayudaron a aprender habilidades que buscaba por mucho tiempo y no había encontrado hasta dar con la Nueva Escuela."

Christian Payret

Video Creator

Gian thumbnail photo

Gian Lopez

Video Creator

A man with a grey beard and a brown shirt.

Giuseppe Basciu

Travel Content Creator

"Mi experiencia con el curso de la nueva escuela de Matías ha sido realmente transformadora. Matías no sólo es un excelente profesional en su campo, sino también un mentor apasionado por compartirnos sus conocimientos. El curso es estructurado de manera que cada lección se construía sobre la anterior, permitiéndonos adquirir y aplicar habilidades de forma progresiva.

Tuve también la oportunidad de poner en práctica lo aprendido en un proyecto real. Matías nos invitó a participar en la grabación de un video publicitario para el gimnasio PowerClub en Medellín. Esta experiencia fue invaluable, ya que nos permitió ver de primera mano cómo se lleva a cabo una producción profesional; desde la coordinación del equipo hasta la grabación. Matías nos enseñó cada paso, mostrándonos sus tomas, lo que hizo que la experiencia fuera aún más educativa. La atmósfera en el set era colaborativa y dinámica, y me di cuenta que hasta un objeto tan simple como una botellita de agua puede llevar a resultados de tomas increíbles de un atleta sudando.

En resumen, el curso de la nueva escuela de Matías no sólo me dio un conocimiento profundo y práctico del campo, sino que también me brindó oportunidades para aplicar lo aprendido en situaciones de la vida real. La experiencia de grabar el video publicitario en Medellín fue un punto culminante que consolidó mi aprendizaje y me inspiró a seguir creciendo profesionalmente. Estoy profundamente agradecido por esta experiencia y por el impacto positivo que ha tenido en mi desarrollo profesional."
A man with a smile on his face.

Joel Nina


Willo Films


"Admiro mucho la forma en que Matías maneja los negocios en el mundo audiovisual. Mis pasiones son los negocios y el filmmaking, así que cuando supe que Matías ofrecía un curso, no dudé en inscribirme. Sus enseñanzas han sido invaluables.

Cada dólar invertido ha valido la pena. El módulo de negocios ha sido mi favorito, brindándome herramientas que me han permitido crear mi propia empresa y facturar $65,000 en seis meses en Venezuela.

Matías me inspiró a compartir mi experiencia en redes sociales y crear la serie 'Negocios Audiovisuales' para educar y motivar a otros filmmakers. Gracias, Matías, por enseñar lo que muchos consideran un secreto. Eres un crack de la industria. 🔥🔥🔥"
A woman wearing sunglasses and a black tank top.

Daniela Botero

Content Creator

A man with a beard and mustache wearing a green shirt.


Drone Pilot

"Cuando supe que Matías iba a lanzar un curso sabía que tenía que estar adentro, para mí siempre ha sido un referente en el mundo del filmmaking y de cómo generar un estilo de vida que muchos queremos a través de nuestros talentos y pasión.En La Nueva Escuela no solo aprendí sobre aspectos técnicos y llevar un nivel más allá mis habilidades en el mundo audiovisual, sino que aprendí algo que solo él puede entregar, y es su innata capacidad de crear, inspirar y transmitir mensajes de una forma única, y no solo eso, sino traducirlo al mundo de los negocios y poder hacer que tu talento se vuelva rentable para que puedas vivir de ello muy cómodamente.

Desde que comencé ese camino con LNE muchas cosas comenzaron a cambiar en mi mentalidad y forma de trabajar, y puedo decir tranquilamente que gracias al curso y a Matías no solo he logrado aumentar considerablemente mis ingresos en el mundo audiovisual, sino que he logrado aumentar mi capacidad de negociar y conseguir clientes más grandes que realmente valoren mi trabajo.

A la final cualquiera te puede enseñar cosas técnicas y cómo manejar una cámara o un drone, pero no cualquiera te puede enseñar sobre negocios, mentalidad y crecimiento exponencial a través del desarrollo de tu pasión, por eso y mucho más les recomiendo a todos ser parte de esta comunidad, más que un curso, es una experiencia, donde solo podrás estar adentro si realmente quieres un cambio en tu vida."
A man wearing a suit and tie.

Efrain Serpa


"Ser parte de la nueva escuela me ha permitido, conocer más el negocio, tener una perspectiva más amplia respecto a cómo llevar a cabo cada proyecto, cómo vender cada idea. Pero lo más genial para mí ha sido, poder conectarme con otros creadores, poder construir una comunidad de creativos, y colaborar con ellos, y aprender de otros ha sido algo que marca la diferencia entre la nueva escuela y otros cursos que puedas adquirir por internet. Definitivamente ha sido la mejor inversión que he hecho, además de las oportunidades que Mati nos ha dado de conocer más de su flujo de trabajo. La nueva escuela es todo lo que esperaba."

Your Future as a Filmmaker Starts Here

A laptop screen with a blue background and the words Nueva Escuela.A collection of images and text about video editing.

Sign up for La Nueva Escuela today and get everything you need to:

Start your journey as a filmmaker and build a sustainable career in any industry or niche

Work with top brands all over the world and collaborate with Matias on real client projects

Master every part of the content creation process, from pre-production to post-production

Build an impressive portfolio that stands out from the competition and gets clients excited to work with you

Approach any client with confidence and position yourself as a “one-person production company” that can handle all of their content creation needs

Package up your services effectively so you can consistently charge anywhere from $10,000 - $50,000 per project

Improve your storytelling skills, level up the quality of your edits, and create cinematic videos that keep audiences hooked

Speed up your editing process so you can deliver higher-quality content in half the time

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LUTs, Presets, and Business Templates
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Business Module Only
Get Instant Lifetime Access To:
3+ hours of exclusive business content
21 in-depth lessons on how to find clients, price your services, and market yourself as a filmmaker
Templates for email outreach, pitch decks, and invoicing
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Here’s What Top Creators & Companies Around The World Are Saying About Matias

Cory Thumbnail Photo

Cory Martin

Emmy Winning Cinematographer

“I was there when Matias first started and I saw his growth and development. We worked on projects way back then and are working together on projects currently.

All of the knowledge he now has to offer on storytelling, cinematography, directing, and the business side is valuable information for anyone interested in the space.”
Mitchell thumbnail photo

Mitchell Mullins

Film Director, Bluehour

“I’ve had the opportunity to work with Matias on multiple productions. The energy he brings to every project simply elevates the entire creative process. His proficiency, collaborative mindset, and ability to articulate a creative vision is unparalleled.

As a filmmaker, there's a couple pillars that make someone a world class filmmaker, and to me, Matias checks all those boxes. I've got nothing but good things to say.

Anything this man puts his mind to his gold.”

Cody S.

Associate Marketing Director, DJI

“Matias stands out as one of the most versatile creatives we've had the privilege of collaborating with. His expertise spans across commercial production and short-form content, leveraging his extensive experience to consistently create content that surpasses our expectations.

His exceptional networking skills and business acumen further enhance his ability to deliver outstanding results. His dedication and innovative approach have not only contributed significantly to our projects but have also set a high benchmark in the industry.”

Laura Roldán

Senior Manager Brands, Europe, Africa & Middle East, HYATT

“It was a real pleasure to collaborate with Matías as part of the Beautiful Destinations team to create the visual content for the launch of one of our independent collections in Europe.

He is a very talented creator in addition to being an excellent and professional person on a personal level. The perfect combination so that the experience and the final result exceed all expectations.”
Elliot thumbnail photo

Elliot Grafton

Director & Filmmaker, Grafton Create, @elliotgrafton

“Recently, I was lucky enough to join Mateus on a shoot in Sardinia and we had the best time. I learned so much and left feeling that trip super inspired and implemented a few of the things that I learned from him into my own business.

If your hemming and hawing about doing this course, definitely do it. He has 10 years of experience in the industry working with some of the biggest brands in the world such as Etihad, DJI, Beautiful Destinations, and Corona, and you need a certain level of skill to be able to work for these brands.

You're getting the cheat codes for someone's business and how they go about doing things.”
Jonah thumbnail photo

Jonah Kest

Nike Yoga Teacher

I had recently called Matias up to help me  with a campaign in Bali for a clothing company. And it was an incredible experience. Not only is Matias one of the most creative people I've ever met, but his ability to capture moments and tell stories I think is his greatest asset.

His ability to kind of work on the dime and make quick decisions makes the whole experience super effortless and and fun. So I'm super happy with what we made, and it was maybe one of the best pieces of video content that I've actually had in my entire career.

I'm excited to see this course come to life and I'm looking forward to being a student in it as well. I definitely think there's a lot to take away from how he builds stories out and how he conveys the audience and captures their emotions in such a unique.”

Jose Carlos Contreras

Digital Marketing Manager, Four Seasons

Working with Matias de Rada has been an exceptional experience, and I am delighted to share my testimony about our collaboration. Matias is not just a content creator; he is an extraordinary professional who brings a unique perspective and unparalleled creativity to his work.

His ability to craft compelling stories is truly remarkable, captivating audiences with his engaging narratives. Matias approaches every project with a level of professionalism that sets him apart, demonstrating a keen attention to detail and a commitment to delivering excellence.

Working alongside him has not only been inspiring but has also elevated the quality and impact of our collaborative endeavors. Matias de Rada is, without a doubt, a standout content creator, and it has been a privilege to witness and contribute to the magic he brings to the world of storytelling.”

Gabor Harrach

Operating Partner Corona Studios

"I have had the privilege of working with director Matias de Rada for the past four years on numerous film projects for major brands. Matias possesses the rare ability to connect with his audience on a personal level, taking them on exhilarating journeys into the captivating worlds he creates in his films.

He consistently amazes with breathtaking cinematography, emotional plot twists, and infuses his work with his infectious uplifting personality. As a commissioning producer for brand films, I am continually impressed by Matias's deep understanding of brand ethos, and his ability to expand and visualize it.

His films consistently rank among the highest-performing and most-watched in our brand portfolio."

Lorenz Karl

Director of Marketing Central & Eastern Europe, HYATT

"We have collaborated with Matias on multiple projects of different scopes and with varied story angles and approaches. Matias has been wonderful to work with and has truly brought our messages to live through his visual storytelling."
Remi thumbnail photo

Remi Carlioz

Creative Director & Brand Strategist at @Neol, YITTY by Lizzo, PUMA, Fenty, Fabletics, Crocs, Morocco, Egypt, Jamaica

“I’ve worked with Matias many times over the years, and all over the world. Matias is driven. Mentally, professionally, personally. To build on the famous theory that “the medium is the message”, Matias has this rare and major ability to constantly develop and refine a symbiotic relationship between formats and stories, building compelling, powerful and emotional stories whatever the medium is.

I’ve learned so much working alongside him, and his energy and work ethic is contagious.”

Konstantinos Sigalas

Marketing Manager, Katikies Hotels

“Matias is a wizard with a camera, transforming Santorini's vistas into cinematic masterpiece over our 15-day project. His humor is the secret sauce to our seamless workflow, sparking laughter between takes.

An imaginative individual who intuitively grasps the client's concept and masterfully transforms it into a cinematic masterpiece. We journeyed from colleagues to amigos under the Grecian sun.”

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out to me at I’m happy to answer doubts you might have.

Is this program for beginning or advanced filmmakers?

La Nueva Escuela is designed to help both beginners and more advanced filmmakers. The course content begins with the basics and slowly progresses to more advanced filmmaking techniques and business skills.

If you’re just starting out, you’ll learn the fundamentals of filmmaking and how to start creating high-quality videos.

If you’re more advanced, you’ll learn how to take your videos to the next level and build a profitable business around the skills you already have.

All of the course content is on-demand and you can skip directly to the lessons or topics you that are most relevant for you.

How long will it take me to see results?

Timelines will vary based on your current level of experience and how fast you’re able to apply the lessons in the course. But generally speaking, most students begin to see major improvements in their skills as soon as they start going through the content and putting it into action.

The Business module alone has helped several students land their first projects and get higher-paying clients within a few weeks of joining.

What kind of equipment do I need?

A basic DSLR or mirrorless camera will be enough to start. If you’re just starting out and don’t know what camera to buy, I give recommendations for cameras under $1,000 in the Equipment module.

For video editing and color grading, you’ll need a program like Adobe Premiere or Davinci Resolve (although most of the editing and color grading lessons are taught in Adobe Premiere).

A subscription to Adobe Lightroom for editing photos is also highly recommended.

Are the job opportunities guaranteed?

We do not guarantee any job opportunities inside La Nueva Escuela. I’ve spent years building relationships with different companies in order to create these opportunities for students, and I only select filmmakers I fully trust to collaborate on projects.

That being said, I try to give students every chance possible to prove themselves. If you’re motivated and have the skills to create content at high level, I’ll do everything in my power to help you break into the industry.

Do you offer refunds?

Due to the digital nature of this program, we do not offer any refunds or guarantees.

How long do I have access to the program?

Once you sign up, you have lifetime access to the entire program and all future content updates.

Still Not Sure If La Nueva Escuela Is Worth the Investment?

I get it…

There are a lot of courses out there that promise to help you succeed as a filmmaker.

Maybe you’ve purchased one of those courses before and didn’t get the results you expected.

Or maybe you’re just starting out and investing in a program like La Nueva Escuela feels too risky.

Either way, here’s what you should know before making a decision…

La Nueva Escuela isn’t some get-rich-quick program that will help you build a successful filmmaking business with little or no effort.

And joining won’t instantly give you the skills to become a high-level filmmaker working with global brands.

You’ve seen my journey and all the work that went into building my career.

I spent years earning my stripes and putting in the work to master my craft. And you’ll need that same level of commitment if you want to make it in this industry as well.

So why join La Nueva Escuela?

Simply put, it will make your journey faster.

Instead of spending years searching for answers like I did, you can follow a proven roadmap for mastering every part of the filmmaking process and building a sustainable business.

Best of all, you can get direct access to job opportunities that most filmmakers only wish they could find.

It still might take you months or even a year to start seeing results.

But imagine if next year you had the skills to create cinematic content for any kind of client...

And the confidence to find work whenever you need it.

That’s what’s possible for you when you join La Nueva Escuela.

Since launching the program, we’ve had students land five-figure deals in a matter of weeks, impress their clients with quality of their work, and go from barely making a living to earning a stable income.

I want the same for you...

And as long as you’re willing to put in the effort, I’ll do everything in my power to help you turn your dreams into reality.

A man holding a camera with a rainbow in the background.

Your Future as a Filmmaker Starts Here

A laptop screen with a blue background and the words Nueva Escuela.A collection of images and text about video editing.